New Unhealthy Alcohol Use Resources

New Unhealthy Alcohol Use Resources
NHNPA has been pleased to participate in a grant-funded project with the Medical Society. The Medical Society has developed a new Unhealthy Alcohol Use Resources landing page for the NH medical & nursing professions as part of grants through the NH Bureau of Drug & Alcohol Services and the Governor's Commission on Alcohol & Other Drugs.

Please click here to view.

Board Nominations

Seeking Board Member Nominations
NHNPA is seeking nominations for important positions on our Board of Directors - President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Legislative Committee Chair. Please note that some of these positions are currently being held by individuals who may choose to submit a nomination to be considered for a second term, however,  all current members are encouraged to nominate a colleague or to self-nominate.  The nomination application will take less than 5 minutes - we will ask three quick questions about qualifications and prior involvement in NHNPA.  Below you will find brief descriptions about each board position. We have also shared a general overview of the expectations of all our Board members.  Nominations will be accepted through January 31, 2023. If you have any questions about either position please feel free to contact the current President, Diane Demarais @ [email protected].

Please click here to make a nomination.

Responsibilities of the President-Elect:
- Serve a term of two year or until assuming the office of President.  
- Assume the duties of the President during absences or periods when the President is unable to perform the duties of the office. 
- Serve on the Finance Committee.
- Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
- Assume the office of President at the end of the term of office.
- To support the mission of the NHNPA to empower nurse practitioners and champion - their practice
- To help lead, advocate for and represent NP as leaders in NH healthcare
- To actively demonstrate the values of the NHNPA of integrity, excellence, leadership, respect and service to NH NPs.
- Participate in regional marketing efforts to add members
- Complete annual conflict of interest statement.

Responsibilities of the Secretary:
- Election to the office will be in odd-numbered years.  
- Serve a two-year term.
- Record the proceedings of all business conducted at Board of Directors Meetings, - Executive Committee Meetings, the Annual Membership Meeting, and any Special Meeting called by the President.  The minutes shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any officer or association members.
- Provide each committee member, the Executive Director, and the Association - Manager with a copy of the minutes. (This may be done electronically and in collaboration with the Executive Director).
- support the mission of the NHNPA to empower nurse practitioners and champion their practice
- Help lead, advocate for and represent NP as leaders in NH healthcare
- Actively demonstrate the values of the NHNPA of integrity, excellence, leadership, respect and service to NH NPs.
- Participate in regional marketing efforts to add members
- Complete annual conflict of interest statement.

Responsibilities of the Treasurer:
- Preside over the Finance Committee. 
- Assume the responsibility and accountability for the fiscal affairs of the association. 
- Present a budget annually to the Board of Directors for approval. 
- Provide monthly budgetary reports to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors including updated balance sheets and budget vs. actual reports of income and expenditures.
- Collaborate with ED and oversee the disbursement of funds with the approval of the Board of Directors.
- Monitor balances of all accounts, make recommendations and facilitate transfers of funds as needed.
- To support the mission of the NHNPA to empower nurse practitioners and champion their practice
- To help lead, advocate for and represent NP as leaders in NH healthcare
- To actively demonstrate the values of the NHNPA of integrity, excellence, leadership, respect and service to NH NPs.
- Participate in regional marketing efforts to add members
- Complete annual conflict of interest statement.

Responsibilities of the Chair - Government Affairs Committee
- Serve a two-year term, elected in odd-numbered years.
- Coordinate regularly scheduled meetings and communications with the legislative affairs committee members - a set fixed schedule should be established and published.
- Responsible for developing meeting agendas with the ED, president, and lobbyist
- Communicate information on legislative tracking and priorities to the legislative affairs committee members and NHNPA board of directors
- Responsible for coordinating the presentation of testimony with the ED and committee members.
- Responsible for collaborating with ED, President, committee, and lobbyist to take primary responsibility for knowledge and delegation of needed legislative action.
- To support the mission of the NHNPA to empower nurse practitioners and champion their practice
- To help lead, advocate for, and represent NP as leaders in NH healthcare
- To actively demonstrate the values of the NHNPA of integrity, excellence, leadership, respect, and service to NH NPs.
- Participate in regional marketing efforts to add members
- Complete the annual conflict of interest statement.

The NHNPA Board of Directors is an active working board with specific expectations of our members.  Most Board members volunteer 5-10 hours a month.  

As a Board member you will be asked to:
- Prepare for and attend monthly Board meetings that are held by video conference or face-to-face in Concord, NH (currently held in the evening). Estimated time commitment: 3 hours per month
- Participate on at least one sub-committee of the Board - these meetings are typically held by video conference. Estimated time commitment: 1-3 hours per month
- Serve as a liaison between the Board, organization, partners and the general public - promote membership and special events of the organization. Estimated time commitment: 1 hour per month
- Attend annual Board retreat and special events including: 1 Day Board retreat, NP Week Celebration, annual membership meeting and the annual conference.

We welcome and encourage anyone interested in serving in these positions to complete the brief nomination form.

NP Week

Governor Sununu declares the week of November 13 as NP Week.

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Regional Meet and Greet

Dual Inhibition: Targeting Systemic and Localized Type 2
Inflammation in Asthma

November 3, 2022 6:00 PM Eastern
(Please arrive 30 minutes prior to start of the presentation.) 

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Regional Meet and Greet

Revolutionizing the Management of Your Patients With
CKD at Risk of Progression, With or Without T2D

October 27, 2022  6:00 PM – 07:30 PM

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Regional Meet and Greet

Revolutionizing the Management of Your Patients With
CKD at Risk of Progression, With or Without T2D

October 27, 2022  6:00 PM – 07:30 PM

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Webinar October 20, 2022 @ 4PM

Please join GoTruthNH, a public education and grassroots effort to promote accurate and truthful information around health and wellness to communities across the Granite State, as we host an important conversation around the upcoming Flu and COVID season and offer resources to help you and those around you prepare.

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Webinar October 20, 2022 @ 4PM

Please join GoTruthNH, a public education and grassroots effort to promote accurate and truthful information around health and wellness to communities across the Granite State, as we host an important conversation around the upcoming Flu and COVID season and offer resources to help you and those around you prepare.

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Regional LTBI ECHO


Open to primary care providers including MDs, DOs, NPs, PAs! Course starts September 6, 2022!!

Interested in being able to test and treat your patients for latent TB infection within primary care? Join us this fall for a six session virtual and interactive LTBI ECHO course! You can receive up to 6 CME credits and the course is free. Find the details in the attached brochure. Register here.

Coming October 2022: Cohort 3 of the Preceptor ECHO to Enhance Rotations (PEER)!

In this evolving healthcare world, the educational experiences of future health professionals are critical to the overall well-being of our communities.  

Dates & Times
October 2022-April 2023 (skip January)
2nd Tuesday of the month
12-1pm ET

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Helping Your Patients with Alcohol-Related Problems

Through funding provided by NH DHHS and in collaboration with the NH Medical Society, NH Nurses Association and others, we will be offering access to a variety of resources to assist providers in improving their care for patients experiencing alcohol misuse. We are excited about this initiative and will continue to share more resources as the project develops.

Helping Your Patients with Alcohol-Related Problems

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Presentation from Margaret Franckhauser - Giving Care: A Strategic Plan to Expand and Support New Hampshire's Health Care Workforce - June 15th at 6:15PM


Join us on June 15th at 6:15PM for a brief meeting of our Board of Directors and an engaging webinar with Margaret Franckhauser about the Forward Fund and their recently published report and strategic plan. 

In early 2019, the Endowment received more than $1.9 million from the NH Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association. Current priorities of the Forward Fund are aligned with NHNPA.  They include strengthening NH’s clinical placement opportunities, eliminating policy and practice barriers to licensure, and implementing a coordinated State Plan to expand and support the health care workforce.

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Presentation from Margaret Franckhauser - Giving Care: A Strategic Plan to Expand and Support New Hampshire's Health Care Workforce - June 15th at 6:15PM


Join us on June 15th at 6:15PM for a brief meeting of our Board of Directors and an engaging webinar with Margaret Franckhauser about the Forward Fund and their recently published report and strategic plan. 

In early 2019, the Endowment received more than $1.9 million from the NH Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association. Current priorities of the Forward Fund are aligned with NHNPA.  They include strengthening NH’s clinical placement opportunities, eliminating policy and practice barriers to licensure, and implementing a coordinated State Plan to expand and support the health care workforce.

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Call for Presentations - Annual Confernence

The Northern New England Nurse Practitioner Conference Planning Committee is soliciting proposals to present during a concurrent session or to conduct a workshop at the conference on April 12, 13 & 14, 2023. The concurrent sessions will 75 minutes.   

Proposals to present and/or conduct workshops will be selected by the Conference Planning Committee based on the content of the application and the topic's relevance to the continuing education and professional development needs of nurse practitioners. Proposals should be aligned with the conference objectives and address one of the key topic areas. We are striving to have a well-balanced agenda with current topics. One person may submit multiple proposals.  

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Industry Sponsored Event

XARELTO® 2.5 mg Vascular Dose in Patients With CAD and/or PAD: Results From the VOYAGER PAD and COMPASS Trials

Ali Haider, MD - Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine Baystate Medical Center, Northampton, MA

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Seeking Board Member Nominations

NHNPA is seeking nominations for TWO important positions on our Board of Directors - President-Elect and Member-At-Large.  All current members are encouraged to nominate a colleague or to self-nominate.  The nomination application will take less than 5 minutes - we will ask three quick questions about qualifications and prior involvement in NHNPA.  Below you will find brief descriptions about each board position, as they are described in the organization’s by-laws.  We have also shared a general overview of the expectations of all our Board members.  Nominations will be accepted through Sunday March, 13, 2022. If you have any questions about either position please feel free to contact the current Vice President Jillian Belmont ([email protected]).

Click here to make a nomination.

The President-Elect assumes office following the Annual Meeting.  The President-Elect shall perform the duties and have the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President.  The President-Elect shall perform all the duties commonly incident to the office and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Executive Committee may designate. Convene the first meeting of the nominating committee. The President-Elect will automatically assume the role of President in two years or when and if the role of President becomes vacant.

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COVID-19 Pandemic, Update # 55 Changes to COVID-19 Reporting and Surveillance

Linked below, the NH Health Alert Network (HAN) message contains key points and recommendations, situational update, background information, and reporting requirements on an important health topic. For any questions regarding the contents of this message, please contact NH DHHS-DPHS, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control at 603-271-4496 (after hours 603-271-5300). To change your contact information in the NH Health Alert Network, send an email to [email protected].

Click here to view.

COVID-19 Pandemic, Update # 55 Changes to COVID-19 Reporting and Surveillance

Linked below, the NH Health Alert Network (HAN) message contains key points and recommendations, situational update, background information, and reporting requirements on an important health topic. For any questions regarding the contents of this message, please contact NH DHHS-DPHS, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control at 603-271-4496 (after hours 603-271-5300). To change your contact information in the NH Health Alert Network, send an email to [email protected].

Click here to view.

Lets Talk Legislative Advocacy

With hundreds of bills before the NH legislature this session, you may be wondering how does our NHNPA leadership decides when and how to engage in the state's legislative process. Our staff, consultants, and members have decades of experience navigating the NH State Government including the legislative and executive branches.  Our team includes recognized leaders in both the state and Nation's capitol. Through our advocacy work, we are engaged in: legislation, rulemaking, administrative hearings, and licensure and regulatory matters.  NHNPA is also represented on a wide-rage of legislative commissions through appointed seats. 

Protecting and enhancing the scope of practice for NPs and ensuring legislative and cultural environments that empower NPs to be leaders in healthcare are our key priorities.  We further believe that NPs can provide an important and valuable perspective in shaping all health policy in addition to the healthcare decisions of individual patients.  We strongly believe that NHNPA and NPs should be at every table where these decisions are being made!

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Lets Talk Legislative Advocacy

With hundreds of bills before the NH legislature this session, you may be wondering how does our NHNPA leadership decides when and how to engage in the state's legislative process. Our staff, consultants, and members have decades of experience navigating the NH State Government including the legislative and executive branches.  Our team includes recognized leaders in both the state and Nation's capitol. Through our advocacy work, we are engaged in: legislation, rulemaking, administrative hearings, and licensure and regulatory matters.  NHNPA is also represented on a wide-rage of legislative commissions through appointed seats. 

Protecting and enhancing the scope of practice for NPs and ensuring legislative and cultural environments that empower NPs to be leaders in healthcare are our key priorities.  We further believe that NPs can provide an important and valuable perspective in shaping all health policy in addition to the healthcare decisions of individual patients.  We strongly believe that NHNPA and NPs should be at every table where these decisions are being made!

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