Chronic Pain Self-Management (CPSM) Project ECHO® in September of 2021

Please see the invitation below from our partners at CHI!

We are excited to launch the Chronic Pain Self-Management (CPSM) Project ECHO® in September of 2021! You are invited to join other professionals working with individuals with chronic pain in a NH-based Project ECHO® with case-based learning on self-management of chronic pain. This grant-funded project is of no cost to participants. Attached is a flyer that describes more about the program.

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Call for Board Members

NHNPA is seeking nominations for TWO positions on our Board of Directors - Special Events Chair and Member-At-Large.  All current NHNPA members are encouraged to nominate a colleague or to self-nominate. These positions will be appointed by the Board of Directors during their meeting on June 16th.

The nomination application will take less than 5 minutes to complete - we ask three quick questions about qualifications and prior involvement in NHNPA.  Below you will find brief descriptions of each board position. Nominations will be accepted through June 15th, 2021.

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Regional Meet & Greets

Thursday, June 10th
Toscano Italian Chophouse
3 Pleasant Street, Portsmouth 

Translating Evidence to Practice: Integrating CAPLYTA into the Treatment Journey for Adults with Schizophrenia

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Webinar - The Pancreas, Digestion and EPI

Thursday, June 17, 2021


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Webinar - The Pancreas, Digestion and EPI

Thursday, June 17, 2021


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New Report - Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care

Description (provided by The National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine)

High-quality primary care is the foundation of the health care system. It provides continuous, person-centered, relationship-based care that considers the needs and preferences of individuals, families, and communities. Without access to high-quality primary care, minor health problems can spiral into chronic disease, chronic disease management becomes difficult and uncoordinated, visits to emergency departments increase, preventive care lags, and health care spending soars to unsustainable levels.

Unequal access to primary care remains a concern, and the COVID-19 pandemic amplified pervasive economic, mental health, and social health disparities that ubiquitous, high-quality primary care might have reduced. Primary care is the only health care component where an increased supply is associated with better population health and more equitable outcomes. For this reason, primary care is a common good, which makes the strength and quality of the country's primary care services a public concern.

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Legislative Update

April 23, 2021
What happened last week at the NH State House

This was a very light week for House committees and there was no House floor session. The Senate held a floor session yesterday, April 22nd.On Wednesday the 21st, the Senate Health & Human Services Committee heard HB 381, relative to laboratory testing. NHNPA had not earlier identified this bill as a priority but the Dupont Group had monitored it in the House. NHNPA decided to sign in in opposition, after being alerted by the NH Medical Society. Several medical professionals, including House and Senate members who are doctors, testified in opposition at Wednesday’s hearing but judging by questions posed by the Committee members, it appears this bill may pass the Senate as easily as it passed the House. There is a strong Libertarian caucus in the Legislature this year. The Committee is scheduled for an executive session on Wednesday the 28th.

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Nominations Open - Board of Directors

NHNPA is seeking nominations for THREE important positions on our Board of Directors - Secretary, Treasurer and Chair of the Government Affairs Committee.  All current NHNPA members are encouraged to nominate a colleague or to self-nominate. 

The nomination application will take less than 5 minutes to complete - we ask three quick questions about qualifications and prior involvement in NHNPA.  Below you will find brief descriptions of each board position. Nominations will be accepted through March 10, 2021.  Elections will be held at the annual Northern New England Nurse Practitioner Conference, April 7-9, 2021. 

If you have any questions about any of the positions please feel free to contact Kim Mohan @ 603-630-2210 (or [email protected]).

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Healthcare Worker Voices of NH - Covid Pledge

Please see the message below provided by Healthcare Worker Voices of NH.  Here is a link from a recent WMUR story about the group - click here.
We hope many of you will join our new and rapidly growing nonpartisan grassroots advocacy group, Healthcare Worker Voices of NH.  Our mission is to lift up and amplify the voices of a diverse group of healthcare workers to improve healthcare for all. 
We are an independent, nonpartisan, grassroots group that seeks to amplify the individual and collective voices of healthcare workers to improve healthcare for all.

Our first project is a messaging campaign to enhance public confidence in Covid vaccinations by demonstrating widespread support from healthcare workers known in their communities.

We are excited that a very diverse group of 1050 NH HEALTHCARE WORKERS has already agreed to "take the pledge" in support of vaccinations after just 6 WEEKS of grassroots outreach.


We hope you will join us and encourage others to 'take the pledge'.

All my best,

Dr Bob Friedlander, Concord NH

Covid Pledge:

***As a diverse grassroots group of healthcare workers from small villages, towns, and cities across the state, we recognize that our way out of this pandemic is primarily by caring for each other as well as ourselves. This is how we Americans have always solved problems.

Solidarity and generosity of spirit are critical at these times. In addition to mask-wearing and social distancing, we the undersigned advocate for broad participation in the COVID-19 vaccine program based on rigorous scientific research; and pledge to get vaccinated ourselves.***

Mark your Calendars! 3/3 Webinar - Management of Obesity as a Chronic, Progressive Disease: A Framework for Patient Care

HB 602 - Hearing Tuesday, February 2nd at 9:30M.


HB 602 - Hearing Tuesday, February 2nd at 9:30M.

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Legislative Update

Yesterday, NHNPA joined other healthcare associations in expressing opposition to HB157 while attending the legislative hearing.  To learn more about HB157, click here


NHNPA Meet and Greet - Virtual Presentation - An Overview of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Cardio-Renal and Metabolic Diseases

"An Overview of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Cardio-Renal and Metabolic Diseases"
Speakers:  Jennifer Farese, MSL, PA-C and Radmila Levinson, MSL, PharmD
Date and Time:  Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 7 p.m.
Please RSVP:  [email protected]

Regional Coordinator - Upper Valley and North Country

NHNPA is seeking volunteers for two different Regional Coordinator positions: the Upper Valley and North Country. This is a great way to network within your region and serve the statewide association.  

The role of the Regional Coordinator is to champion the practice of NPs in their region by demonstrating values of integrity, excellence, leadership, respect and service to NPs in New Hampshire. Regional coordinators are non-voting members of the Board of Directors and are invited to participate in Board meetings and retreats. The regional coordinators also meet on a quarterly basis as a team (virtually). They participate in efforts to increase membership, coordinate regional activities to offer networking opportunities and educational events to support local NPs throughout the year. Regional events will vary. We have some seen some very creative ideas: book/article discussions, potlucks, dinner out, industry-sponsored dinners with presentations from drug reps at local restaurants, virtual meet and greets, webinars and more!  

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Open Adjunct Faculty Positions - UNH

UNH still has a few open adjunct clinical positions for spring.  If you have a day a week to help educate the next generation of nurses,  we would love to talk with you. If you or someone you know has 2+ years of experience, have or is in a master's program and wants to teach, please contact  Gene Harkless at [email protected] or our undergraduate program director Patti Puccilli at  [email protected].  
Open positions include
Monday day for maternal child in Nashua
Monday evenings for med-surg in Manchester
Wednesday days for fundamentals in Concord
The spring semester begins Feb 1st.

DHHS Guidance - COVID Vaccine

Per the request of NH DHHS, please continue to help distribute the information below to ambulatory and other health care professionals.

The guidance enclosed below, from NH DHHS is for “Most-Risk” ambulatory care and health care professionals working in other settings who can now register to be vaccinated against COVID-19.  This guidance will be the focus of discussion at next Tuesday’s, Dec. 29, NH COVID-19 Vaccine Alliance Meeting from 12 noon -1 pm.


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AANP Scholarship - Dr. Loreta Ford

NHNPA is pleased to join AANP in celebrating the 100th birthday of Dr. Loreta Ford.  We are also excited to share AANP's message below regarding their new scholarship opportunity! 

American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) is indebted to the great nurses who built and pioneered the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) role around the world, including Loretta C. Ford, EdD, RN, PNP, NP-C, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP.

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NP Week Celebration - Dec 3

Please plan to join us for our NP Week VIRTUAL celebration.  It will be a fun evening of networking, learning and celebrating.  We will have our 2020 awards ceremony, a keynote address and offer a variety of opportunities to network with other NPs and our exhibitors. There will be a $10 registration fee.

Keynote speaker: Deb Fournier, MHCDS, MSN, PMHNP-BC, ANP-BC, APRN - Director of Quality Systems and APRN Services, New Hampshire Hospital - Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health

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NP Week Celebration Moved to Dec 3

Due to COVID-19, we have decided to move our NP Week celebration to Dec. 3rd and offer it remotely.  I will be contacting everyone who has already registered and will process refunds.  I will also be contacting all of our scheduled exhibitors.

Please plan to join us for this fun evening of: networking, learning and celebrating.  We will have our 2020 awards ceremony, a keynote address and offer a variety of opportunities to network with other NPs and our exhibitors. Stay tuned for more details

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NP Week Celebration Moved to Dec 3

Due to COVID-19, we have decided to move our NP Week celebration to Dec. 3rd and offer it remotely.  I will be contacting everyone who has already registered and will process refunds.  I will also be contacting all of our scheduled exhibitors.

Please plan to join us for this fun evening of: networking, learning and celebrating.  We will have our 2020 awards ceremony, a keynote address and offer a variety of opportunities to network with other NPs and our exhibitors. Stay tuned for more details

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